Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cycle 17: No Name Warrior - Quotes

Yesterday our class read part of the first chapter of Woman Warrior. Here are some quotes I thought had important meanings:

  • “Don’t humiliate us. You wouldn’t like to be forgotten as if you had never been born. The villagers are watchful.”

I choose this first quote because it reflects the feelings of the villagers. The culture reflected in Maxine’s village shows how honor is held at a high standard. The people in this village must live by the many rules and laws in order to keep a good reputation. This quote also reflects how strict Chinese families keep their households running. In China, your name is something you try to live up to for your entire life. When Maxine’s mother tells Maxine she will be forgotten if she does not take her mother’s advice it shows the importance of this story and also may foreshadow upcoming events.

  • “I hope that the man my aunt loved appreciated a smooth brow, that he wasn’t just a tits-and-ass man.”

This quote comes from when Maxine is thinking to herself about what the possible stories that could have happened to make her aunty kill herself. I choose this quote because it shows the way Maxine thinks. This quote paints a picture of Maxine’s personality; it expresses her wild imaginations and shows her sexual thinking. As Maxine explores all the different scenarios, we learn Maxine has a somewhat blunt personality and is no where near innocent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with Michelle when she says that this quote is reflecting the strict Chinese culture, where everyone had to live their lives abiding by every single rule and law they had, and even the ones that were not spoken about, but just understood from the culture. And if you didn't follow these rules and laws you'd be forgottened or become an outcast for the rest of your life. Also, I thought it was really interesting how she thoguht Maxine's mother's advice and story was a forshadowing for what is going to happen next, I never thought about the story this way when I read it.